Filling a Prescription for Ward Stock

If your pharmacy provides ward stock to a Long-Term Care facility, prescriptions for the ward stock should be filled for the group.

When a non-retail group is added to PharmaClik Rx, a patient with the same name as the group is also created. This patient is listed in the Patients tab in the Groups folder.

Note: BRITISH COLUMBIA ONLY: Using this patient allows prescriptions to be filled locally without transmitting to PharmaNet. PharmaCare billing codes cannot be added to this patient.

To fill a prescription for ward stock, do the following:

  1. Go to the Workbench.
  2. Press the New button. The New Prescription window opens.
  3. Enter the name of the group in the Patient field.
  4. Enter information in the rest of the fields in the New window. In the SIG field, enter instructions such as WARD STOCK - USE AS DIRECTED.
  5. Press the Process button.
  6. Complete each search (Patient, Doctor, and Drug) as it appears on the screen.
  7. Rx Detail appears. Continue to fill the prescription as usual.